Why Does My Dog Wag Their Tail? Learn To Speak Dog!

One of the main forms of communication between dogs with each other and with us is talking to the tail. Learning to talk to the dog and understand the difference in tail speech, you will be able to better understand what your dog is thinking.

Before domestication of dogs, as well as wolves, most had large fluffy tails. Tails were a matter of survival. Nature is beautiful. The position and actions of their tails tell us about their mood and what is going on in their heads.

As part of survival, tails are important for other purposes as well. Tails are used as a counterweight when running, turning, jumping, climbing, swimming and walking on narrow paths, ledges or trails.

In some rocks, a large fluffy tail is crucial for insulation. As a rule, the colder the climate, the larger and thicker the tails. In the cold, when the dog is asleep, it curls up and wraps its tail around the muzzle and nose to keep the body warm.

As dogs develop and migrate, the alterations and settings of their human comrades tails changed. They become rudimentary, moored, taut, sloping, otter-like and even corkscrew!

Some breeds, mostly gregarious, are born with a residual tail, which is nothing but a piece of adipose tissue … If at all! For example, many Australian Shepherds are born tailless. They may not have a tail, but this fat tissue, hair at the ends and wobbly buttocks will let you know what’s going on in their head.

The hunters found that their dogs were easier to follow, and they would kill less if they saw a white dot. They therefore clarified this need through selective selection. Today, many dogs and breeders proudly wave this white flag, wandering through fields and forests.

Tails that have been reproduced or cupped are not so much for appearance, but because they were seen as a danger at work. The enemy or predator had one thing less than could be grasped, and this avoided confusion, burrs and lifters.

In the past, a dog without a tail was considered a service dog and therefore was not taxed!

In the past, a dog without a tail was considered a service dog and therefore was not taxed!

Today in Europe it is forbidden to cut ears and beat the tail. However, here in the United States, unfortunately, many owners insist that this be done. The fact is that it is unnecessary, painful and dangerous.

How Dogs Teach Dogs

Every puppy should teach his dog to read and talk. Puppies don’t study this chapter of the Dog until they’re one month old. You don’t have to wag your tail.

As they get older, they learn to send and receive the message “I come in peace.” each other, arguing over the pacifier. By 6-7 weeks, they had learned enough from their mother and played with their siblings to figure out how to communicate with their tails.

Tips on tails to help you speak dog-like

If you learn to talk to a dog, it will help you find out what it tells you with its tail, for example:

The wagging tail does not mean that they are happy and friendly.

The wagging tail will spread the smell of your dog from its bags. The higher the tail, the stronger the smell and the stronger it floats.

A tail set horizontally, vertically, too hard, means that your dog feels threatened or challenged.

A wrinkled tail is a message of fear, stress and submission. Your dog will try to appear smaller and close his bag. bag releases the amount of information your dog is trying to suppress.

When the wool at the base of the tail rises high, your dog says it is on high alert.

When your dog takes a lower position, lowers its tail and/or squeezes, but still wags quickly, she gets nervous and under stressed.

Aggression is usually transmitted by a stiff tail directly from the body. Some dogs make leisurely rhythmic movements, similar to the ticking of the clock. Unfortunately, this is sometimes mistaken for a wagging tail.

When your dog stands with a high-riseed tail and slow movements, she is safe, confident and proud of his status in your pack.

The relaxed dog allows its tail to follow its natural bend or bend on its back.

Hard straight tail – your dog says he doesn’t understand what he’s dealing with. You often notice this with puppies that explore something new.

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