WAGs Soccer Explains Why Soccer Is So Popular

English football is never complete without mentioning WAG football. Top footballers have famous celebrity wives. In 2002, glamour became an important part of football. The press took the liberty of creating a stir about it, and the groundbreaking character came up with the name WAG, which effectively represented the girlfriends and wives of the stars of the football championship of England. The name took root, and whenever the team participated in world competitions, attention was shifted from the ground to the wives of players. He was catching headlines, and the camera’s practical advice caught all the signs of dissent and mood swings.

TV ratings rise with WAG coverage

Football fans are not expected to wear designer clothes during a football match. However, this does not apply to high-stakes games, where the TRP can have a significant impact on whether the team gets a sponsor for the season. Among other innovative ways to attract the crowd has always conquered the glamour. Footballers are not trained to appear in front of a camera from the ground. Some have everything they need to succeed, but most prefer to leave it to management to find ways to promote the team and players. TV channels helped a lot by placing advertisements. The player’s popularity increases even if he has a known personality as a wife or girl with him.

Football stars spend a lot of money on lavish gifts

Players like to spend money on generous gifts when they can afford it. The personality of a player does not matter much as long as he can weave his magic on the field. Giving gifts is a big advantage for them. Think of Peter Crouch. He’s 6ft 7in tall and too thin to be a real football star. But he is good on the field, and around him the most beautiful girls. He was casually asked if he had ever thought about what might have happened to him had he not been. Not a football star. Her actual response was “Virgin.” Players have taken WAG football as part of their lives. So the next time you hear about your favorite star, think about the news.

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