Dog Behavior Series 5 – Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail?

Do you want to know why dogs wag their tails? The secret to interpreting your dog’s emotions? Read on to learn about my three main indicators for achieving this by understanding your dog’s behavior.

Although the message of the dog can be fully understood only by looking at the entire tongue of its body, the tail gives important clues about how your dog feels. Tail wagging is one of the most visible and well-known ways in which dogs tell people and other animals what is happening to them.

So why do dogs wag their tails?

There are many reasons why your dog wags its tail. Let’s see what they are and what you need to understand to interpret what your dog is telling you and other people in his environment. Wagging the tail is a social signal for dogs and an expression of social interaction. Dogs don’t move when they’re alone. You don’t have to. There’s no one to show your emotions.

Three indicators should be taken into account when determining the emotional state of the dog.

Position of your dog’s tail
Your dog’s tail movement
Your dog’s tail
All three metrics will become clear as this article progresses on why dogs wag their tails.

Indicator number one – the position of your dog’s tail
First, let’s talk about the normal position of your dog’s tail and why it is so important. Simply put, the maximum is aggressive, and the minimum is suppressed. The position of the dog’s tail, the height at which it is held, up or down – is a form of communication. You should know your breed well before interpreting the emotions that your dog and other dogs convey with their tail.

Let me explain.

Race matters. The position of the dog’s tail should be determined as to the position in which the dog usually holds its tail, as the rocks hold their tails at different heights. Why does it matter? The posture that the dog usually holds suggests that it is calm and relaxed.

The normal position of the dog’s tail indicates its calm and relaxed posture. If you keep the dog’s tail vertical and stiff, it will recoil or suffer the consequences. If the dog’s tail moves downwards, it is a sign that it transmits a call that can lead to aggression. If the dog’s tail remains horizontal and rigid, it is interested, attentive, curious and alert.

When the position of the tail goes down, it is its calm and relaxed position. Here your dog usually holds his tail. If your dog’s natural position is not maintained above, for example, chow, labrador, sharpei, beagle and terrier, and many others. Greyhounds and whippets tend to wear tails quite low, which would indicate nervousness in other breeds that usually have a higher tail.

The tail placed under the torso is a sure sign of fear and anxiety in any breed. Curly dogs show signs of fear when correcting the tail. Disturbing dogs tend to bite, so approach them carefully.

What is your dog’s normal tail position? Now you know what it means when your dog’s tail is above or below its normal position.

Indicator number two – the movement of your dog’s tail
Now let’s talk about moving your dog’s tail and what it means. Other dogs know exactly how your dog feels, even from a distance, by the position and movement of your dog’s tail. Dogs usually wag their tail to the right of the back when something is particularly nice; and left, if they have negative feelings. I’m talking about the left or right side of the dog if you look from the back as if you were looking in the direction of the dog.

This additional communication will help you assess the situation when your dog welcomes a new dog or a new person. Does your dog’s tail wagging to the left of its back? If so, it means that your dog is negative about the meeting. You should be concerned and careful to avoid a situation where someone could potentially get injured. Does your dog’s tail wagging to the right of the back? This means that your dog is happy and she is not threatened by the meeting.

Number three is your dog’s tail consumption
The swing of your dog’s tail correlates with the position of the tail and its movement. If your dog wags its tail quickly, it’s excited, light wagging – it’s a cautious greeting, a wide wagging tail – a friendly, wide wagging tail with wide hips back and forth – a very, very happy greeting, a slow wagging – a sign of insecurity. and small quick movements indicate that your dog is going to do something.

Let’s sum it up.

Knowing what to look for in a dog’s tail can help you determine whether to approach a dog or stay away. It can also tell you whether your dog is at risk of attacking an approaching dog before it comes close enough to pose a threat.

In general, depending on the breed as mentioned in this article, a low tail means relaxation and calmness or fear and anxiety. The middle tail means that the dog is curious and attentive. A high tail means that the dog is excited, protected or aggressive. Combine these positions with tail swing and swagger, and other dogs will be able to know exactly how your dog feels, even from a distance.

Since different breeds have different natural position of the tail, a person should always know what breed of dog he evaluates. This means that you need to know your breed well enough before using the dog’s tail to read its emotions.

When the dog is happy and happy, its tail is in a natural position and wags.

When the dog is interested, thoughtful, curious or alert; it holds its tail in a natural position or higher, maybe even on the back. His tail is hard and motionless.

When the dog is excited, its tail is raised high, it can wag, or may not wag.

When the dog is defending or aggressive, its tail is high and hard, sometimes swaying or twitching at the end.

When the dog is submissive, scared or scared; its tail is held low or sandwiched between the legs.

I hope you liked this section about dog behavior, especially why dogs wag their tails, and hope you’ve got something of value. If you liked this article, subscribe to my YouTube channel, Dog Behavior Videos. Thanks for reading. I’m looking forward to seeing you in my next article. Like, share, comment and subscribe. I’ll see you soon.

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