Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

Dogs use their tail just as people use their hands. Hands and tail are used by people and dogs respectively for communication and self-expression. Of course, it’s easier for people to communicate. Our furry friends also use other parts of their body to convey their message. Aside from barking, the dog uses groans and growl to communicate. However, wagging is often used with the tail. Dogs wag their tails more often than any other tailed animal. Notice how the dogs wagged their tails when they came across another dog. It’s their way of saying “how are you?” and very much like shaking people. By wagging their tails, dogs can even communicate and understand each other from a distance. Relatively short-tailed dogs communicate with the human family, with other dogs and animals, using other parts of the body such as the head and ears.

Wagging the tail is not only a form of communication, but also conveys the emotional state of the dog. Usually a wagging tail means luck and friendly behavior. The dog is sure to like to meet the owner wagging tail. The wagging tail in this case indicates a good mood of the dog. The dog can ask the owner to play with him or beg to buy him. However, wagging the tail is not the final sign that the dog is friendly. Be careful when approaching someone else’s dog, even if it wags its tail. So many people are bitten by dogs.

Dogs are extremely social animals. Alone, they rarely wag their tails. In the presence of an alpha male, the dog dutifully wags its tail. In this case, the tail is held low and wags hard. A high tail with a wagging tip is a sign that the dog is aggressive and demonstrates superiority over another dog in the pack. Dog experts believe that wagging its tail could also mean the dog is in conflict. Moving the tail back and forth is a sign that the dog is unsure whether to go or stay.

Wagging the tail serves another purpose to the dog. Watch the dog’s actions when it meets another dog. They sniff each other’s buttocks. When the tail rises to wag its tail, the glands are compressed, secreting part of the juice with the unique smell of the dog. This smell is unique to each dog and serves as a dog ID, very similar to people’s fingerprints.

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