Woofs, Wags and Whines

A popular saying goes: “Dogs are man’s best friends.” Has anyone wondered why that was the case? According to the famous 19th-century novelist George Eliot, “animals are such wonderful friends – they don’t ask questions, they don’t criticize.” This is what everyone is looking for in perfect company – a silent, silent patient listener. Dogs would be as hard to live with as humans were if they could talk. But contrary to this idea, anyone who strokes a dog understands that dogs are living, intelligent beings that move, whine and whine just to get your love, attention and care. Dogs talk, and here are some ways they communicate with us. This article explores the different ways in which dogs contact us and are connected for life.

Unlike humans, dogs rely on body sounds and movements to express their feelings and emotions. Smell, body language and voice sounds are the main means of communication in order of importance. We greet each other with a greeting or a handshake, and the dogs greet each other with a snorting. They also feel that we just greet us and read what is on our minds. Dogs not only know us, but also understand the sense of smell. They know when we are sad, happy, excited, tired or sick. Usually sniffing is followed by a lick, which is another way to recognize and show affection.

According to recent research by a group of ethologists, including Dorit Feddersen-Petersen of Christian Albrecht University in Kiel, dogs almost always bark for some reason. On the difference of frequencies it is possible to distinguish two types of barking: loud and harmonious. Loud barking indicates protective and official threats, social insecurity and physical stress. On the other hand, harmonic bark refers to active and passive subordination or indicates an invitation to a social game. In general, high barking invites and is friendly, while a low roar is a threat or a warning.

After the worst day in the office, when you return home, you will see your dog enthusiastically and happily waving his tail, greeting you. It immediately causes a smile on your lips and changes the mood. The dog wags its tail in different ways to express different needs. Some may bring you closer, and some may warn you. Dogs enthusiastically wag their tails when they are very happy, inviting you to play or waiting for treats. When he is satisfied and satisfied, he is relaxed with a tail. If you notice that your dog’s tail is between your hind legs, know that he feels scared and insecure. A straight fixed tail indicates that your dog is angry or aggressive and ready to bite.

Dogs depend on us for all their needs. Moaning and whining are the means by which they send us their message. Some dogs, especially toy breeds, strive for maximum attention. They’re a long time to tell us they want us to talk to them. Some others simply moan their uneasy character. Usually dogs whine when they are hungry, lonely, need a walk or want to ping. But in some cases, dogs may express their physical pain or discomfort by whining. So you really need to look for some compelling clues as to whether your dog is really hosting a show, experiencing real pain and needing help, or just missing out.

Eyes are the mirror of the dog’s soul. Pay special attention to the movement of the dog’s eyes and you will understand what it says. Relaxed and lowered eyelids suggest pleasure, happiness or satisfaction. Wide-open eyes indicate vigilance. If your dog looks at you without blinking, it will challenge you, and if he turns away, she is submissive and obedient. The moment your dog’s pupils expand and your teeth blink, it’s ready to attack. The position of the ears indicates a different mood of the dog. If your dog is happy or interested in its surroundings, its ears are directed up and down. Your dog’s ears will be tilted forward and your head will be completely vertical and your wrists raised when it contemplates an aggressive attack.

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