Football Speed Training Using WAGS

We all know that there are many effective speed training programs, but is there anyone who has really linked speed training with WAGS or agility gloves with weighting? The purpose of this article is to show how weighted gloves for agility can improve speed. How can WAGS improve speed? Hands and feet move together, adding …

Woofs, Wags and Whines

A popular saying goes: “Dogs are man’s best friends.” Has anyone wondered why that was the case? According to the famous 19th-century novelist George Eliot, “animals are such wonderful friends – they don’t ask questions, they don’t criticize.” This is what everyone is looking for in perfect company – a silent, silent patient listener. Dogs …

Increasing the Efficiency of the Head Lights With Wig Wag Systems

Emergency lighting systems are designed to ensure maximum visibility of cars when turned on. There are many technologies that make this possible, and one such system is the lighting of a trolley for wigs. This system refers to a alternating flashing mode in which the headlights can be programmed as needed. This system is not …

WAGs Soccer Explains Why Soccer Is So Popular

English football is never complete without mentioning WAG football. Top footballers have famous celebrity wives. In 2002, glamour became an important part of football. The press took the liberty of creating a stir about it, and the groundbreaking character came up with the name WAG, which effectively represented the girlfriends and wives of the stars …

Why Does My Dog Wag Their Tail? Learn To Speak Dog!

One of the main forms of communication between dogs with each other and with us is talking to the tail. Learning to talk to the dog and understand the difference in tail speech, you will be able to better understand what your dog is thinking. Before domestication of dogs, as well as wolves, most had …

Dog Behavior Series 5 – Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail?

Do you want to know why dogs wag their tails? The secret to interpreting your dog’s emotions? Read on to learn about my three main indicators for achieving this by understanding your dog’s behavior. Although the message of the dog can be fully understood only by looking at the entire tongue of its body, the …

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

Dogs use their tail just as people use their hands. Hands and tail are used by people and dogs respectively for communication and self-expression. Of course, it’s easier for people to communicate. Our furry friends also use other parts of their body to convey their message. Aside from barking, the dog uses groans and growl …